Health management
Promotion of health management
We will create a corporate environment that all employees can balance work and life and fully demonstrate their abilities. [Health declaration] In order to practice “Management Philosophy” and contribute to society, it is essential that each employee is physically and mentally healthy otherwise we cannot earn trust from our customers. We regard the physical and mental health of each employee and family who support the growth of the company as one of the most important management resources and by・・・
Women\'s participation
MORI MACHINERY CORPORATION General Employer Action Plans (Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children)
1 Planning period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022 2 Contents 1) Numerical target Number of female employees: 51 (as of March) → 55 employees 2) Details and implementation period of initiatives ・Promotion of taking childcare leave: 100% of all applicants taken at any time・Promotion of short-time work for childcare: 100% of all applicants at any time・Promotion of half-day paid leave: 100% of applicants acquired at any time・Promotion of planned paid leave: 6 days a year, 100%・・・
Women\'s participation
MORI MACHINERY CORPORATION General Employer Action Plans (Act on the promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace)
We will create a corporate environment that all employees can balance work and life and fully demonstrate their abilities. 1 To understand the situation regarding the success of women in their professional lives Ratio of female workers hired from March 2016 to March 2019 during previous plan period : 25% 2 Planning period April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022 3 Contents 1) Numerical target Number of female employees: 51 (as of March) → 55 employees 2) Details・・・
Actions on SDGs
1. Slogan MORI MACHINERY promotes actions on SDGs through its own manufacturing and each employee’s actions, and contributes to the realization for a safe, secure and sustainable world. MORI MACHINERY supports Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2. Examples of in-house manufacturing Case 1 Contribution products: Ring dies and rollers for wood pellet production Contribution: Wood pellets are used as a fuel for biomass power generation and contribute to promoting the use of renewable energy. Case 2 Contribution products: Ring・・・
News / Topics
Achievements as a manufacturer
We will continue to meet the customer's latest needs,
impress customers,
create one-of-a-kind goods in the industry and contribute to society.